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April 20th – University Of Colorado – Boulder Colorado

Colorado University in Boulder Colorado on April 20th 2010. This year the University closed sampus to outside visitors and uses stinky fish fertilizer to keep people out. This is Ground ZERO for pot smokers and the largest protest in the Country.   (C) 2012 James Insogna

Colorado University in Boulder Colorado on April 20th 2010. This year the University closed sampus to outside visitors and uses stinky fish fertilizer to keep people out. This is Ground ZERO for pot smokers and the largest protest in the Country. (C) 2012 James Insogna

Budweiser Anheuser Busch Lightning Thunderstorm HDR

Anheuser-Busch brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado.  This was the Budweiser Storm chase on June 22, 2009. Chased this storm from North Boulder County to the Wyoming border. It was an incredible storm because I was able to stay just on the end of it  just out of the rain and stayed with it all the way north along the Rocky Mountain Front Range.   The whole time looking for great compositions for me it is Lightning Photography as Fine Art.  This was like the holy grail when I came up on it in the middle of nowhere.  When I first set up my camera the lightning bolts were hitting all over.  You could not tell what direction was next.  Very scary.  So I would hit my shutter and then sit in the back of the SUV with my feet off the ground, that's how worried I was. Safety FIRST! Then when it headed north I was able to shoot with ease.  Lot of great shots came out of this Stormy night.    HDR version.  Striking fine art lightning photography by James Insogna   1-888-682-0122

Anheuser-Busch brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado. This was the Budweiser Storm chase on June 22, 2009. Chased this storm from North Boulder County to the Wyoming border. It was an incredible storm because I was able to stay just on the end of it just out of the rain and stayed with it all the way north along the Rocky Mountain Front Range. The whole time looking for great compositions for me it is Lightning Photography as Fine Art. This was like the holy grail when I came up on it in the middle of nowhere. When I first set up my camera the lightning bolts were hitting all over. You could not tell what direction was next. Very scary. So I would hit my shutter and then sit in the back of the SUV with my feet off the ground, that’s how worried I was. Safety FIRST! Then when it headed north I was able to shoot with ease. Lot of great shots came out of this Stormy night. HDR version. Striking fine art lightning photography by James Insogna 1-888-682-0122

This Bud’s for you!

So it’s Monday June 22nd, 9:30 at night and I am thinking there will be no storms tonight YEA, I need a break and boom another one comes in fast and furious.  How many so far???

 I have to tell you this was one of the scariest storms I have ever chased.  Flashes of lightning in the clouds hitting in ALL directions.  You could not tell where the bolts were going to strike.  Now that’s very dangerous.  This storm really scared me. There were times I would not even get out of the SUV.  I chased this storm all over Boulder County open space looking for something interesting to photograph with the storm in the right position.  Not always easy. It was heading North.  This storm was so amazing and one of the only storms I have ever chased in 20 years like it.  I was able to stay with this storm and it seemed we were traveling at the same speed.  
My location was always right off the middle in the rain.  So north we went…. looking for something good.  Seemed I was always by houses and not the subjects I was looking for.  And when I did find something, the storm was not in the right position. Went through Berthoud…. then Loveland…. then Fort Collins… and then… it happened.  I was finally out of residential areas and in wide open space and there it was…  The Budweiser plant, all lit up and ready for me. And I have to tell you it was crazy. Flashes in all directions and very dangerous.  When I first started shooting I would hit my shutter button and then sit in the back of the SUV with my feet off the ground.  ( Fact:” Rubber shoes will not give you any meaningful protection from lightning.”  So I am guessing my official Lightning shoes, crocs will not give “Meaningful “protection.  Better than spikes 😉 That went on for a while. It got less threatening after a little time and I could relax without as much worry. The stormed hung in there till a little after midnight before heading into Wyoming.  I almost kept going and I did for a little while but it was time to call it a night.   Print Gallery:
Budweiser Storm