Daily Archives: February 7, 2014

Farm Storm HDR

Farm Storm HDR - James Bo Insogna

Spectacular lightning thunderstorm striking above the BIG Red Barn at Lohr-McIntosh Farm and Agricultural Heritage Center on open space in Longmont Colorado, Boulder County.  Lightning is not only spectacular, it’s very very dangerous.  Fact:  Around 2,000 people are killed worldwide by lightning strikes each year. Hundreds more survive a strikes but suffer from a variety of lasting symptoms, including memory loss, dizziness, weakness, numbness, and other life-altering ailments.     That explains everything for me. When thunder rolls  and everyone should run inside… storm chasers are out the door.   Active storm aas you can see in a 4 sec exposure.  This is one shot processing in HDR.    Settings on this shot.  ISO 100 – f8 – 4 sec – 70mm –   Prints available online –  Farm Storm HDR 

Cloud-to-cloud lightning discharges may occur between areas of cloud without contacting the ground. When it occurs between two separate clouds, it is known as inter-cloud lightning and when it occurs between areas of differing electric potential within a single cloud, it is known as intra-cloud lightning. Intra-cloud lightning is the most frequently occurring type of thunderstorm.

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